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Showing 37 types of MOTHS (TURF & ORNAMENTAL)


Latin Name: Mythimna unipuncta

This moth is native to southern North America, but now is found throughout North, Central , and South America as well as in southern Europe, central Africa, and western Asia.


Latin Name: Thyridopteryx ephemeraeformis

This is a small family of native moths in North America.

Beet Armyworm

Latin Name: Spodoptera exigua

Native to Southeast Asia but now found throughout most continents in warmer regions.

Black Cutworm

Latin Name: Agrotis ipsilon

Apparently native to North America, this species is now found throughout North and South America.

Burrowing Sod Webworm

Latin Name: Acrolophus popeannellus

These are native insects in North America with most species found in the southern and western states, but occurring as far north as Pennsylvania and the Upper Midwest. Many more species occur throughout Latin America.

California Oakworm

Latin Name: Phryganidia californica

This is a native insect in the western U.S.

California Tent Caterpillar

Latin Name: Malacosoma californicum

This is a native species in North America and occurs from eastern Canada south into the northeast U.S. and west to the Pacific Coast. It is much more common in the western half of the continent.


Latin Name: Prionoxystus robiniae

This is a native species in North America and is found throughout the United States and southern Canada and south into Mexico.

Codling Moth

Latin Name: Cydia pomonella

It is believed that this moth originated in Asia and moved into Europe many centuries ago. It was then brought into North America in infested materials during colonial times and was discovered on the Pacific Coast states by 1872. It now is found worldwide wherever suitable host plants are grown.

Douglas-fir Pitch Moth

Latin Name: Vespamima ovaroensis

These are native moths in western North America.

Eastern Tent Caterpillar

Latin Name: Malacosoma americanum

This is a native species in North America and occurs commonly in the eastern half from the Rockies to the east coast and eastern Canada.

European Corn Borer

Latin Name: Ostrinia nubilalis

This species is native to Europe, but was introduced to the U.S. in the early 1900’s with infested plant materials grown for making brooms. It now is common throughout North America east of the Rocky Mountains.

Fall Armyworm

Latin Name: Spodoptera frugiperda

This is a native of North and South America and is found throughout the warmer regions of these continents. It does not survive the winters in cooler northern states but may migrate northward during the summer.

Fall Cankerworm

Latin Name: Alsophila pometaria

Native to North America and found throughout southern Canada and the eastern half of the U.S. as well as in California and Colorado.

Fall Webworm

Latin Name: Hyphantria cunea

This species is native to North America, but in the 1940’s was accidentally introduced to Europe, eventually spreading throughout Europe and east into much of northeastern Asia. In North America it is found throughout the U.S., much of Canada, and south into Mexico.

Fan Palm Caterpillar

Latin Name: Litoprosopus coachellae

Latin Family Name: Noctuidae

Native to the western United States, and found primarily in the Southwest states of California and Arizona.


Latin Name: Cydia latiferreana

The moth is a native of North America.

Forest Tent Caterpillar

Latin Name: Malacosoma disstria

This is a native species in North America and occurs from eastern Canada south into the northeast U.S. and west to the Pacific Coast. It is much more common in the eastern half of the continent.

Fruittree Leafroller

Latin Name: Archips argyrospila

The moth is a native of North America.

Genista Broom Moth

Latin Name: Uresiphita reversalis

This is a native moth in North America and occurs from eastern Canada to Mexico and over most of the U.S.

Gypsy Moth

Latin Name: Lymantria dispar

This is native to Europe and Asia but was deliberately brought into the U.S. in the 1860’s as a possible source of silk, and managed to escape captivity to infest surrounding forests. It now is found in the Upper Midwest and Northeast states and southern Canada, and occasionally will be intercepted in California and Florida where eradication programs have successfully removed it.

Hemlock Looper

Latin Name: Lambdina sp.

This is a native insect in eastern North America.

Juniper Twig Girdler

Latin Name: Periploca nigra

This is a native species in western North America.

Light Brown Apple Moth

Latin Name: Epiphyas postvittana

This species is native to the Australian region.

Omnivorous Leafroller

Latin Name: Platynota stultana

It is believed that this moth is native to Arizona, but was introduced into California from Mexico with infested produce. It has since spread throughout California and from there to Texas, along the Gulf Coast to Florida, and north along the Atlantic States.

Orange Tortrix

Latin Name: Argyrotaenia franciscana

This moth is likely native to the Pacific Coast of California, and it occurs commonly throughout California and north into southern British Columbia.

Pine Tip Moths

Latin Name: Rhyacionia Sp.

There are many native species in North America, along with the imported European Pine Shoot Moth.

Redhumped Caterpillar

Latin Name: Schizura concinna

This is a native species in North America that is found throughout the U.S. and southern Canada.

Saltmarsh Caterpillar

Latin Name: Estigmene acrea

This is a native moth in North America.

Sod Webworms

Latin Name: Crambus sp.

These are native species in North America and various species may be found in every state and in Canada and Mexico.

Spring Cankerworm

Latin Name: Paleacrita vernata

This is a native species in North America.

Spruce Budworm

Latin Name: Choristoneura fumiferana

This is a native moth in North America.

Tobacco Budworm

Latin Name: Heliothis virescens

This is a native insect in the southern U.S. and is found also throughout Central America, the Caribbean, and into South America.

Tussock Moths

Latin Name: Orgyia sp.

These are native species in North America.

Variegated Cutworm

Latin Name: Peridroma saucia

This moth is a native of North America and is found coast to coast in southern Canada, throughout the U.S. including Hawaii, and south in Latin America.

Walnut Caterpillar

Latin Name: Datana integerrima

This is a native species in North America.

Yellownecked Caterpillar

Latin Name: Datana ministra

This is a native species in North America.

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