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Pest Information

Knowing what you're dealing with is critical to being a pest management professional. Choose a category below for detailed species information and recommendations on products and training. And if you need extra advice, reach out to your Veseris representative at any time.

Yellow Fever Mosquito

Yellow Fever Mosquito

Featured Pest

Yellow Fever Mosquito

The yellow fever mosquito (Aedes aegypti) originated in Africa, where it evolved from an ancestor that still exists there today. Its ancestor prefers to lay eggs in natural tree holes and to feed on non-human animals. At some point, the yellow fever mosquito became domesticated, breeding in artificial containers close to humans and preferring human hosts. This domestication allowed their introduction into the New World via European ships leaving West Africa with slaves and containers of drinking water also holding immature yellow fever mosquitoes.

Mosquito Biology and the Diseases They Vector

Featured Course

Mosquito Biology and the Diseases They Vector

***NARRATED COURSE***The most important mosquito disease vectors in the United States belong to the genera Aedes, Culex and Anopheles.  Diseases transmitted by these mosquitoes cycle differently in human populations.  After completing this course, you should be able to understand the basic mosquito life cycle and types of breeding sites, and identify adults of these mosquito species and the diseases they vector. 

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