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Showing 71 of 71 total courses


Coming Back From a Big Workplace Mistake

***FREE FOR VESERIS CUSTOMERS***There’s no escaping it: We all make mistakes. The good news is that most mistakes aren’t career-ending. Rather, it’s your response to mistakes that matters most. In this course, you’ll learn five steps to take after making a workplace mistake, along with four tips to handle the aftermath. By taking responsibility for your mistakes and acting quickly, you can repair the damage, rebuild your reputation, and walk away with a valuable life lesson.


Closing the Deal: Negotiation Strategies to Increase Sales

***FREE FOR VESERIS CUSTOMERS***Effective sales negotiation is like a dance: Sellers must read their partners, synchronize movements, and know when to lead versus when to follow. In this course, you’ll learn how to master the art of sales negotiation. First, you’ll identify the goals, prerequisites, and stages for entering a negotiation. You’ll then walk through five essential sales negotiation techniques. Finally, you’ll explore how to counter common buyer negotiation tactics and close the deal. 


Chip Heath on Making Numbers Count

***FREE FOR VESERIS CUSTOMERS***According to Stanford Graduate School of Business Professor Chip Heath, only about half of us consider ourselves “numbers people.” But, Heath argues, numbers are essential for everyone to understand. That’s why Heath—and his coauthor, journalist Karla Starr—wrote Making Numbers Count: The Art and Science of Communicating Numbers. In this course, Heath will guide you through tips and strategies for communicating numbers more effectively. He’ll also reveal some fascinating facts about how the human brain processes numbers.


Change Management Fundamentals

***FREE FOR VESERIS CUSTOMERS***Gain a strong foundational understanding of change management. While change initiatives may be necessary, they’re not easy. Thankfully, understanding how best to manage change can help smooth out the rough spots. In this course, you’ll learn to do just that by mastering the basics of change management. First, we’ll define change management, examine the types of organizational change, and uncover best practices for change management. Then, we’ll explore change management models, concentrating on how to overcome common barriers to change.


Business Writing Fundamentals

***FREE FOR VESERIS CUSTOMERS***Whether you’re writing an email, report, internal training document, or pitch—the ability to communicate a message effectively through writing is an essential business skill. In this course, you’ll learn the fundamentals of business writing. First, you’ll learn how to define your writing goals, analyze your audience, and choose the best medium for your message. You’ll then explore techniques for structuring your writing—and editing and proofreading your work. Finally, take your writing style to the next level with tips to ensure that it’s clear, concise, and courteous. 


Building Relationships in Sales

***FREE FOR VESERIS CUSTOMERS***From the first point of contact, all the way through the buyer’s journey, and even beyond the close, salespeople constantly interact with customers. That makes relationship-building an essential skill in sales. This course introduces valuable strategies to increase your relationship-building skills. First, you’ll learn about the importance of understanding your buyers. Then, you’ll learn how to use that foundation to earn trust and build rapport, while developing your own emotional intelligence. By the end, you’ll have a clear understanding of how to best connect with potential buyers.


Beating Burnout: Spot the Symptoms and Take Action

***FREE FOR VESERIS CUSTOMERS***Would you describe yourself as a workaholic, perfectionist, or high achiever? Do you skip breaks and vacations—or struggle to “switch off” at the end of the workday? Do you suffer from chronic stress? If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, then you may be at risk for burnout. In this course, you’ll learn what burnout is and how it negatively impacts your health and performance. You’ll also learn how to spot the warning signs of burnout and reverse its effects. 


Becoming the Boss: A Guide for New Managers

***FREE FOR VESERIS CUSTOMERS***As a first-time manager, you likely feel a mixture of excitement and apprehension about your new role. This guide will help you transition seamlessly from employee to manager. First, you’ll learn about your new responsibilities and key differences between employee and manager roles. You’ll then explore the first steps every new manager should take, followed by some top tips to help you thrive. Finally, you’ll examine a few common challenges new managers face and how to overcome them. 


Ayelet Fishbach on Getting It Done

***FREE FOR VESERIS CUSTOMERS***What would you do or accomplish if you could stay motivated? Author and motivation scientist Ayelet Fishbach wants to help you achieve your greatest ambition in her book Get It Done: Surprising Lessons from the Science of Motivation. In this course, you’ll learn her proven methods for changing your circumstances and mindset to maximize self-motivation. 


Assessing Your Strengths, Interests, and Values

***FREE FOR VESERIS CUSTOMERS***Knowing your strengths, interests, and values empowers you to make career choices that align with your authentic self. And showing up as your authentic self is key to feeling more confident, passionate, and invested at work. This course will help you identify your professional strengths, interests, and values. What are you good at? Leveraging your strengths boosts self-confidence and performance. What tasks do you enjoy? Following your interests makes work feel fun and engaging. Finally, what’s important to you? Practicing your core values infuses work with a greater sense of purpose. 


Bo Seo on What Debate Teaches Us About Listening to Each Other

***FREE FOR VESERIS CUSTOMERS***As a young man, Bo Seo firmly believed in keeping his thoughts to himself. That is, until a teacher invited him to join the debate team. The offer spurred a lifelong fascination with arguing. In his book, Good Arguments, Seo explains the principles of formal debate and how we can apply them in real life. He makes the case that disagreements can unite us—provided we choose debates wisely and participate well. 


Annie Murphy Paul on Thinking Outside the Brain

***FREE FOR VESERIS CUSTOMERS***Both at work and in our personal lives, we face daily dilemmas requiring complex, critical thought. We sit at our desks and wrack our brains for insight. But renowned science writer Annie Murphy Paul argues for another, more inventive solution: thinking outside our heads. In her book The Extended Mind: The Power of Thinking Outside the Brain, she shares how a host of extra-neural resources can help us focus more effectively, comprehend more deeply, and create more imaginatively. In this course, learn the reasoning behind Paul’s persuasive findings and discover practical strategies for improving your cognition with three outside-the-brain resources: your body, surroundings, and relationships.


An Introduction to Sales Enablement

***FREE FOR VESERIS CUSTOMERS***In any sales endeavor, representatives can’t achieve success without the proper resources. In this course, you’ll learn the basics of sales enablement and why it’s critical for success. You’ll also get some best practices for putting it into action. Afterwards, you’ll be prepared to equip your team for the best possible outcome.


Amanda Ripley on Why We Get Trapped in Conflict and How We Get Out

***FREE FOR VESERIS CUSTOMERS***In High Conflict: Why We Get Trapped in Conflict and How We Get Out, investigative journalist Amanda Ripley chronicles the stories of people who were involved in high forms of conflict—and how they emerged from that chaos. In this course, you’ll find out why some conflict keeps us from moving forward. You’ll also learn about the systems and people that thrive on unhealthy conflict. And you’ll discover techniques to avoid getting trapped.


Alex Hutchinson on Endurance

***FREE FOR VESERIS CUSTOMERS***Where does endurance come from, and can we increase it to perform beyond our limits? Those are the questions Olympic-class runner turned award-winning journalist Alex Hutchinson tackles in his book Endure: Mind, Body, and the Curiously Elastic Limits of Human Performance. Examining extraordinary feats of endurance, Hutchinson determines that limits aren’t as rigid as they seem—and we can push beyond perceived performance barriers. In this course, you’ll learn why limits are an illusion and how to stretch through yours with techniques from Hutchinson’s book.


A Step-by-Step Guide to Problem-Solving

***FREE FOR VESERIS CUSTOMERS***We all take different approaches to problem-solving—with varying levels of success. Although there’s no single, best approach, using a problem-solving framework can improve your results. In this course, you’ll learn a five-step approach to overcoming problems.


A Quick Guide to Developing a Go-to-Market Strategy

***FREE FOR VESERIS CUSTOMERS***A winning go-to-market strategy clarifies your ideal customer and the best way to market to them. It also coordinates your marketing, sales, and customer service team efforts to create a smooth—and profitable—product launch. In this quick guide, you’ll explore the five components of an effective go-to-market strategy. You’ll also learn tips for pricing products and driving adoption with consumers.


A Manager's Guide to Resolving Team Conflict

***FREE FOR VESERIS CUSTOMERS***As a manager, you need to keep an eye on potential conflicts between employees and help them resolve issues effectively. Otherwise, your team’s morale, productivity, and communication may take a hit. In this course, you’ll learn why conflict happens, common ways people react to conflict, and how to turn workplace disagreements into opportunities for constructive dialogue, change, and new understanding.


A Guide to Workplace Professionalism

***FREE FOR VESERIS CUSTOMERS***What does it mean to be a professional at work? And how does professional behavior affect your career?  These questions and more provide the foundation for this course on workplace professionalism. Here, you’ll learn the basics of professional behavior at work with examples of do’s and don’ts in real-world scenarios. Then, you’ll learn the fundamentals of professional communication, whether through emails, phone calls, or other formal and informal situations. When finished, you’ll understand how to build professionalism into every aspect of your job. 


A Guide to Workplace Integrity

***FREE FOR VESERIS CUSTOMERS***What does it mean to have integrity? And what role does it play in career advancement and job satisfaction? These questions make up the heart of this course on workplace integrity. In it, you’ll consider the benefits and challenges of maintaining integrity when making difficult workplace decisions. You’ll learn about the three forms of workplace integrity and see real-world examples of it in action. You’ll also uncover four steps to align your values and actions and become a professional that others trust, admire, and respect. 


A Guide to Mentoring Others

***FREE FOR VESERIS CUSTOMERS***Mentoring is an excellent development opportunity. While mentees benefit from the advice, guidance, and encouragement of someone more skilled, you get to develop coaching skills, increase your influence, and gain a sense of personal satisfaction from taking a protégé under your wing.  In this course, you’ll find a complete guide to mentoring others. That includes learning who a mentor is and what they do, qualities to look for in an ideal mentee, how to lead productive mentoring sessions, and the do’s and don’ts of becoming an effective mentor. You’ll also learn five common challenges in a mentoring relationship along with strategies to overcome each.


Advanced Problem-Solving

***FREE FOR VESERIS CUSTOMERS***Being an effective problem-solver is a useful skill in any line of work. In this course, we’ll focus on sharpening problem-solving skills to help you deal with challenges big and small. We’ll cover topics like divergent and convergent thinking, the benefits and risks of using heuristics in problem-solving, how to reframe problems to find creative solutions, and how to use design thinking to take a human-centered approach to solving complicated problems.


A Guide to Managing Remote Teams

***FREE FOR VESERIS CUSTOMERS***You’ve managed teams before—but never in a remote environment. What can you do to set your employees—and yourself—up for success? This course helps managers transition from in-person to virtual workspaces. Overhaul your management toolkit with targeted techniques for hiring, increasing accountability, improving communication, and keeping remote workers connected.


A Guide to Empathy at Work

***FREE FOR VESERIS CUSTOMERS***Empathy—the ability to understand and share other people’s emotions—is critical in the workplace. Customers want to feel appreciated for their business and acknowledged when they have a problem. Employees want to feel valued and for their coworkers and managers to notice when they’re happy or in distress.  In this course, you’ll first learn what empathy is and why it’s an essential business skill. Then, you’ll uncover how to communicate with empathy and overcome roadblocks. Finally, you’ll work on strategies to help you build empathy.


A Guide to Effective Meetings

***FREE FOR VESERIS CUSTOMERS***Unnecessary and unproductive meetings waste significant time in the workplace. Yet we all rely on meetings to communicate and collaborate with our teams, coworkers, and clients regularly. This course provides a guide to effective meetings—from both the meeting facilitator’s and participant’s perspective. 


A Guide to Content Marketing: Developing Your Strategy and Crafting Compelling Content

***FREE FOR VESERIS CUSTOMERS***You’ve probably heard people say, “Content is king.” Made famous by Bill Gates, this phrase emphasizes the importance of high-quality, engaging content for brand success. In this course, we’ll pinpoint the factors that create a smooth content marketing ecosystem. First, you’ll learn how to build a strong, cohesive content marketing strategy. Then, you’ll get tips to ensure that your content doesn’t fall flat.


A Blueprint for Effective Workplace Leadership

***FREE FOR VESERIS CUSTOMERS***Companies depend on great leadership for success and longevity. In the workplace, leaders aren’t just responsible for the bottom line. They set the tone for fair and ethical behavior, equality, accountability, professionalism, and employee growth. In this course, discover what leadership is and the qualities necessary to be a great leader. Then, learn how to engage and motivate employees in a way that aligns with the company’s vision. Finally, explore five key practices that will make you a better leader.


A Guide to Brand Identity and Strategy

***FREE FOR VESERIS CUSTOMERS***A business’s brand is more than a logo and color scheme. It’s also the personality, the story, and the way the brand makes people feel. No wonder then that a brand is almost as hard to define as it is to create.  Not to worry. This course can help. You’ll get practical definitions and advice on crafting a brand story, showing your best side, establishing your market position, and telling people exactly who you are and who you’re for.


7 Go-to Strategies to Tame Stress

***FREE FOR VESERIS CUSTOMERS***Most of us know that managing stress in a healthy way benefits our well-being, relationships, job performance, and more. But how do we get there? In this course, you’ll learn to tame stress by first understanding the difference between healthy and unhealthy coping strategies. Then, you’ll learn seven effective techniques that can help you relieve stress and regain control. 


5-Day Challenge to Improve Your Mental Health

***FREE FOR VESERIS CUSTOMERS***The importance of mental health can’t be overstated, given that it impacts every part of our lives. Even so, we often let caring for our mental health take a back seat to other priorities. We ignore our needs until we’re burned out, isolated, or struggling with illness.Prioritize your mental health by committing to a 5-day challenge. Each day explores a different facet of mental health and contains a simple exercise for putting it into practice. In less than 15 minutes a day, you can improve your emotional well-being.


5 Strategies for Managing Scope

***FREE FOR VESERIS CUSTOMERS***No matter how much planning goes into a project, teams are bound to struggle if scope goes unaddressed. Scope refers to all the work that goes into completing a project, and it’s one of three primary project constraints along with time and money. Clearly defining your project’s scope will help your team produce the best quality results. In this course, you’ll learn to define the scope for specific projects. Then, each subsequent lesson will cover an additional aspect of scope management. You’ll also get valuable strategies you can use when the scope you’ve defined spins out of control.


5 Career Roadblocks and How to Overcome Them

***FREE FOR VESERIS CUSTOMERS***In this course, you’ll learn how to overcome five challenges most professionals face. First, you’ll confront fear of failure, step outside of your comfort zone, and embrace positive risks. Second, you’ll learn about impostor syndrome and how to squash self-doubt. From there, you’ll explore tips to get noticed by your boss and colleagues for exceptional work. Finally, the last two lessons cover how to bounce back from a big mistake and stay productive when you’re unmotivated. 


4 Ways to Add Value and Earn a Raise at Work

***FREE FOR VESERIS CUSTOMERS***If you want to be the highest-earning employee, then you have to be the highest-contributing employee. This course examines the relationship between contribution and compensation. In it, you’ll learn the 4 P’s for increasing your contributions at work, along with some tips on how to be a culture add instead of a culture cost. You’ll also explore best practices to ensure that your efforts are recognized—and rewarded.


7 Types of Interviews and When to Use Them

***FREE FOR VESERIS CUSTOMERS***Gone are the days when one in-person interview served the hiring manager and interviewee’s needs. Today, smart employers have a selection of interview types in their toolbox. This course explores seven interview types and when it’s best to use them. You’ll learn how to use these interview styles to streamline your hiring process—quickly and effectively moving the strongest candidates from resume submission to start date.


Leading Through Change

***FREE FOR VESERIS CUSTOMERS***As a leader, you play a unique role when your team encounters a change. Not only are you responsible for your own reaction—you’re also in charge of guiding your team through the transition. In this course, you’ll learn the fundamentals of leading through change. You’ll explore strategies to empower and engage your employees during a time of transition, and discover how to solve common challenges that teams experience when facing a change.


Social Media Marketing 101

***FREE FOR VESERIS CUSTOMERS***Recent studies report that over 70% of Americans—and billions of people worldwide—actively use social media. Popular platforms like Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, X (formerly Twitter), Pinterest, and LinkedIn have transformed the way brands interact with their audience. Understanding the landscape and how to thrive in it is no longer optional for businesses—it’s a necessary part of doing business in the digital age. This course can help.


How to Protect Yourself Against Phishing Attacks

***FREE FOR VESERIS CUSTOMERS*** Reports of online scams and cyberattacks are on the rise. One critical security measure is protecting yourself against phishing—when an attacker pretends to be a trusted contact or organization to gain access to personal information. In this course, you’ll learn exactly what you’re dealing with in a phishing attack, as well as how to spot one. Most importantly, you’ll pick up immediately applicable tips to prevent theft and stop attackers in their tracks.


What Is Social Engineering?

***FREE FOR VESERIS CUSTOMERS*** Social engineering is the art of manipulation to steal information. Unlike cybercrimes that involve cracking complex algorithms, it relies on predictable human behavior to get victims to reveal information voluntarily. This course provides an overview of how social engineers exploit human psychology to access sensitive information, as well as tips for spotting attacks. 


Online Security Fundamentals

***FREE FOR VESERIS CUSTOMERS*** Safeguards aren't just for physical spaces. We store highly sensitive data online. Exposure of that data has a far-reaching impact, with consequences more devastating than losing valuables to a thief. In this short course, you’ll learn strategies to protect yourself online and get tips to block incoming threats. Finally, you’ll review how to act fast to minimize damage if a security breach occurs. 


How to Recognize and Overcome Bias—Featuring Bestselling Author Dr. Jennifer Eberhardt

***FREE FOR VESERIS CUSTOMERS*** When our brains use shortcuts to categorize people based on surface traits, it’s called unconscious or implicit bias. These biases, when unexamined, can lead to stereotyping and discrimination—ultimately harming productivity, morale, and retention at work.  In this course, you’ll look at the brain functions that cause bias, and the real and harmful consequences of even unintentional bias—including messages from bestselling author and psychologist Dr. Jennifer Eberhardt. You’ll also learn about common bias types. Finally, you’ll get strategies to break out of these mental habits and enjoy a more productive, engaging workplace and community. 


How to Avoid a Conflict of Interest

***FREE FOR VESERIS CUSTOMERS*** Doing the right thing can become challenging when you’re faced with ambiguous and complicated ethical dilemmas, like a potential conflict of interest. That’s why you’ve been given this case study. By working through the following activities, you’ll learn how to identify potential conflicts and how to handle them when they arise. 


Overcoming Common Challenges of Remote Managers

***FREE FOR VESERIS CUSTOMERS*** Every manager faces challenges, from motivating employees to keeping projects on track. Remote work amplifies those difficulties. In this course, you’ll learn four common challenges remote teams face, along with best practices to overcome each.


Build the Ultimate Sales Presentation Slide Deck

***FREE FOR VESERIS CUSTOMERS*** Slide decks have gotten a bad rap. And that’s unfortunate because a well-designed slide deck can give your sales presentations a big boost. In this course, you’ll learn best practices for slide content and design to develop pitch decks that enhance your sales presentations—not aggravate your audience. 


Website Marketing

***FREE FOR VESERIS CUSTOMERS*** Today, websites are often the first place customers interact with your brand. Web users expect a seamless experience finding the information they need to choose a product or service. If your website doesn’t quickly meet their needs, they’ll look elsewhere. This course is an introductory guide to utilizing your website to attract and retain customers. It covers essential site components, good design, maximizing conversions, and landing page use and design to get your website in peak condition. 


Customer and Market Research

***FREE FOR VESERIS CUSTOMERS*** Understanding your audience’s needs, problems, and choices in the market helps you reach them with a targeted message that makes it impossible for them to choose any brand but yours. It’s not magic—it’s customer and market research. You’ll begin this course by defining useful research sources and types. Then, explore how to use research to identify and segment your market—and scoop your competitors’ place in it. Finally, you’ll learn to use your hard-won insights to thrive in the market you’ve chosen. 


Marketing Fundamentals: Your Getting Started Guide

***FREE FOR VESERIS CUSTOMERS***Marketing is a massive, complicated, multi-part process. Many of us have a general idea of what fits under the marketing umbrella, but forming a clear understanding of the fundamentals is not easy.  In this course, we’ll solve that dilemma—beginning with defining what marketing is and what makes something marketable. We’ll then cover four key marketing elements and how to create a marketing plan. You’ll learn to assess where you are and where you want to go, and to identify your marketing audience. Finally, actionable takeaways will help you select marketing tactics and choose analytics to track your results.  


6 Tips for Successful Peer-to-Peer Training

***FREE FOR VESERIS CUSTOMERS***Peer training is a win-win. New employees learn from someone who knows the position inside and out, while existing employees develop mentoring skills and deepen their understanding of their own role. In this course, you’ll get the real-world tips and practice you need to knock peer training out of the park. 


A Guide to Navigating Team Dynamics

***FREE FOR VESERIS CUSTOMERS***What’s the number one cause of conflict at work? People. When different personalities clash, it’s bound to cause some reverberations. This course will teach you how to build team dynamics that serve rather than hinder your development by discovering different roles, work styles, and generational differences. You’ll learn to improve collaboration by finding a style that resonates and learning what makes your colleagues tick.


4 Personality Types That Suffer From Chronic Lateness

***FREE FOR VESERIS CUSTOMERS***Do you always arrive late no matter what you do? Then you’re probably suffering from chronic lateness. This course will help you understand what causes lateness by introducing four personality types, along with tailored tips to overcome lateness for each type.


Feeling Unmotivated at Work? Common Causes and Tips to Increase Motivation

***FREE FOR VESERIS CUSTOMERS***Do you ever have days where you can’t seem to muster the motivation to get anything done? While everyone feels unmotivated occasionally, chronic low motivation can prevent you from achieving your professional goals. In this course, you’ll learn the four primary causes of low motivation, along with specific strategies to overcome each. 


Improve Your Business Writing Skills

***FREE FOR VESERIS CUSTOMERS***In the workplace, solid writing skills can play a significant role in your career success. The quality of your writing can make the difference between a positive and negative impression. In this course, you’ll learn quick self-checks to improve your business writing.


Setting Goals That Actually Work

***FREE FOR VESERIS CUSTOMERS***Anyone can set an ambitious goal, but how many of us actually end up achieving it? In this course, you’ll learn why the process of setting your goals is just as important as choosing targets that truly matter. You’ll also learn how to set goals that accurately reflect your purpose and find tools you can use to track your progress. In the end, you’ll walk away with a stronger sense of alignment between your vision and the daily habits that will help you conquer your goals in the long run.


Change Management Models: Advanced Application

***FREE FOR VESERIS CUSTOMERS***Change is inevitable. Still, that doesn’t make it any easier to implement. What can make it easier is a change management model. In this course, you’ll learn what a change management model is and how popular models help companies streamline the change process. Then, we’ll dive into the details, exploring five popular models and how they work. 


Change Management Models: Understanding the Basics

***FREE FOR VESERIS CUSTOMERS***Companies frequently operate in a state of flux. But how do you manage that flux? Answering that question correctly is critical to your organization’s success.  Thankfully, change management models simplify the process. They help companies prepare for, implement, and sustain changes. And, in this course, you’ll learn how. First, we’ll uncover what change management is and why a model can streamline your success. Then, we’ll explore the basics of five foundational models and how they work.


Bradley Staats on How to Stay Relevant, Reinvent Yourself, and Thrive

***FREE FOR VESERIS CUSTOMERS*** In a world of constant change and technological advancement, how can individuals and organizations adapt, innovate, and succeed?  This question is at the heart of the book, Never Stop Learning: How to Stay Relevant, Reinvent Yourself, and Thrive, written by UNC Business School professor Bradley Staats. In this course, you’ll learn about the psychological biases that trap us in old ways of thinking, along with tips to overcome them. You’ll also explore simple strategies to expand your skills, and become a more dynamic learner who excels in the modern world.


Wendy Wood on Good Habits, Bad Habits

***FREE FOR VESERIS CUSTOMERS*** Wendy Wood—the leading scientist on the nature of habit—provides the first scientifically grounded analysis of habit formation in Good Habits, Bad Habits: The Science of Making Positive Changes That Stick. In this course, you'll uncover Wood's knowledge about the complex processes behind habits and dive into the three bases for habit formation: context, repetition, and reward. You'll gain a toolkit for how to break unwanted habits and create new, desired ones. And you'll learn how to form and stick with habits that work with you, not against you.


Workplace Communication Basics

***FREE FOR VESERIS CUSTOMERS***What do most great employees have in common? Stellar communication skills. In this course, you'll learn why having excellent communication skills is so important in the workplace, and how you can improve yours.


How to Handle Objections: Getting Customers to Say, "Yes!"

***FREE FOR VESERIS CUSTOMERS***Every salesperson will encounter hesitation from customers. What separates the good and the great salespeople is knowing how to handle objections. This course explores what sales objections are, how to overcome them, and how to avoid rejection.


Working Across Cultures

***FREE FOR VESERIS CUSTOMERS***To work effectively with people from different cultures, you need to be aware of cultural differences. In this course, we'll take a look at some of those differences and how to interact with people who are on the opposite side of the cultural spectrum.


Managing a Successful Contact Center

***FREE FOR VESERIS CUSTOMERS***Today, customers expect instant support—whether by phone, live chat, email, or social media. Many businesses turn to a contact center model to field and resolve customer issues seamlessly through multiple channels. This course is for managers who want to take their team’s skills from functional to fantastic—helping customers in a way that creates brand fanatics. You’ll review the most important roles a manager plays at a contact center, and how to choose the best tools for your team. Finally, explore how to prioritize customer needs and ensure your team performs at their best—solving problems efficiently. 


How to Attract and Retain Top Talent

***FREE FOR VESERIS CUSTOMERS***A business is only as good as the people who work there. So how do you make sure you find and keep the best people? In this course, you’ll learn all the stages of talent management—from recruiting to transition. You’ll also discover ways to connect and develop relationships that benefit both the business and the talent you hire.


Sexual Harassment Training for Employees and Managers

***FREE FOR VESERIS CUSTOMERS***In this course, you’ll learn what a respectful workplace looks like, how to recognize harassment and discrimination, and what laws are in place to safeguard the workplace. We’ll then dig into the specifics of sexual harassment, including how to prevent and respond to inappropriate behavior as both an employee and a manager. 


Performance Review and Feedback (MICROLEARNING)

***FREE FOR VESERIS CUSTOMERS***Discover the secrets to conducting an effective performance review.


Gossip-Proof Your Workplace (MICROLEARNING)

***FREE FOR VESERIS CUSTOMERS***Keep negative gossip at bay to create a better work environment.


Can You Recover From a Workplace Mistake? (MICROLEARNING)

***FREE FOR VESERIS CUSTOMERS***Find out how to survive a mistake at work.


How to Develop a Performance Improvement Plan (MICROLEARNING)

***FREE FOR VESERIS CUSTOMERS***Learn how to craft an effective performance improvement plan.


Time Management Essentials

***FREE FOR VESERIS CUSTOMERS***Time is both precious and fleeting, and many of us feel like there just aren’t enough hours in the day.  This course will give you core strategies to tackle that problem.  First, you’ll learn the basic principles of time management, along with some symptoms that could uncover  poor uses of time. Then, you’ll discover how to track and analyze your time to boost productivity. Finally, you’ll get seven tips to start managing your time more effectively. 


Problem-Solving Fundamentals

***FREE FOR VESERIS CUSTOMERS***In this course, you’ll start with a five-step problem-solving process anyone can use. Then, you’ll learn some strategies and behaviors to make problem-solving easier. Finally, you’ll get tips for rising above challenges and barriers that will inevitably come your way.


How to Build Better Relationships With Your Boss and Coworkers

***FREE FOR VESERIS CUSTOMERS***In this course, you’ll learn how being a better teammate and employee can help you foster better working relationships with your coworkers and boss. You’ll also analyze the role you play in strengthening—or weakening—your workplace relationships with the help of some do’s and don’ts. You’ll also learn how to repair a relationship that’s been damaged.


Dealing With Stress, Pressure, and Burnout

***FREE FOR VESERIS CUSTOMERS***This course will help you define stress, pressure, and burnout, recognizing the unique ways they show up for you. You’ll be able to evaluate your work and lifestyle to identify opportunities for healing. You’ll also get valuable strategies to manage the effects of stress, pressure, and burnout. By the end of the course, you’ll have a clearer understanding of how these forces affect you—and what you can do about it.


Working with Upset Customers

***FREE FOR VESERIS CUSTOMERS***In this course, you’ll learn why customers get upset and how to defuse those situations with an effective apology and action plan for making things right. Then, you’ll learn to spot when customers go too far, so you can protect yourself from abuse.

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