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CEU Requirements

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CEU Requirements: KY-KDA

Under "Manage Licenses", enter your employee ID#, not your license number.  If you enter your license number, your attendance may not be accepted by the state.

To earn continuing education units for structural pest management, your employee ID# must be entered under Kentucky Structural.  If your employee ID# is entered under Kentucky Agriculture, your attendance will not be reported to the structural division.  To make changes, enter your employee ID# as Kentucky Structural under "Manage Licenses" and delete the Kentucky Agriculture employee ID# if it is not valid.

KDA requires you to spend a minimum of 50 minutes in a course and pass the final exam with at least 70% correct answers in order to receive continuing education credit.

Courses are approved until December 20 of every year and arel not available December 21-31. However, KDA has extended the cutoff date to December 21 this year (2024).

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