Catch Zone A

Pest Information

Knowing what you're dealing with is critical to being a pest management professional. Choose a category below for detailed species information and recommendations on products and training. And if you need extra advice, reach out to your Veseris representative at any time.

Deer and White-footed Mice

Deer and White-footed Mice

Featured Pest

Deer and White-footed Mice

Two mice belonging to the genus Peromyscus are collectively called “field” mice in pest management. The deer mouse occurs in most of Canada and the United States (except the southeastern states). The white-footed mouse overlaps the deer mouse in the eastern and central U.S. and extends into the southeast. Both have large eyes and are sharply bicolored with white along the bottom of their bodies. While they may be difficult to tell apart from each other, they look different from house mice, which have smaller eyes and are more uniform in color.

Rodent Biology, Behavior and Management

Featured Course

Rodent Biology, Behavior and Management


The commensal rodents are highly intelligent and adaptive pests that must be managed because of their ability to cause sickness and diseases. Understanding their behavior is the root of effective rodent management. After completing this course, you should be able to identify the commensal rodents and Peromyscus mice, recognize the diseases carried by pest rodents, understand how these rodents sense and navigate their environment and then recommend the proper management methods for each. 

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