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Showing 7 types of CRICKETS

Camel cricket

Latin Name: Ceuthophilus spp. is the most common group in North America

Many species are native to North America.

Field Crickets

Latin Name: Gryllus spp.

Latin Family Name: Gryllidae

These crickets are native to North America, and well as throughout Central America and into South America.

House Crickets

Latin Name: Acheta domestica

Latin Family Name: Gryllidae

Apparently native to Europe, but introduced to North America in the 18th Century.

Jerusalem Crickets

Latin Name: Stenopelmatus

Latin Family Name: Stenopelmatidae

Several species of these native insects occur in North America, and in recent years the group was more carefully studied to reveal the number of species. These are most common in the western U.S.

Mormon Cricket

Latin Name: Anabrus simplex

Native to western North America.

Northern mole cricket

Latin Name: Gryllotalpa hexadactyla

Appears to be native to North and South America

Tawny mole cricket

Latin Name: Scapteriscus vicinus

Native to Puerto Rico and the West Indies, but now found commonly in the southeastern United States.

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