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Showing 34 types of FLIES

Asian Tiger Mosquito

Latin Name: Aedes albopictus

This species is native to Asia but was introduced into Hawaii in the late 1900’s and was found in the continental U.S. in Texas in 1985. It now is found in at least 26 states and as far north as Minnesota and Pennsylvania, south to Florida, and west to West Texas. It also is now found in South America, Mexico, and the Caribbean, in Africa and Europe, and in Australia and several major islands of the South Pacific. It’s spread has been tied in some cases to the movement of automobile tires and the larvae living in water in these tires.

Biting Midges

Latin Name: Culicoides sp.

These are native insects in North America.

Black Blow Fly

Latin Name: Phormia regina

The true origin is unknown, as these flies are found throughout the world.

Black Flies

Latin Name: Simuliidae

At least 255 species of these native insects occur in North America.

Black Scavenger Flies

Latin Name: Sepsidae

Three or more dozen species of these native flies are found in North America.

Black Soldier Fly

Latin Name: Hermetia illucens

Latin Family Name: Stratiomyidae

Native to North America, and a member of a large family of flies that otherwise are not of any pest significance.

Blue Blow Fly

Latin Name: Calliphora vicina

The true origin is unknown, as these flies are found throughout the world.

Cheese Skipper

Latin Name: Piophila casei

Latin Family Name: Piophilidae

European or Asian in origin, but now found throughout the world.

Cluster Fly

Latin Name: Pollenia rudis

Latin Family Name: Calliphoridae

Possibly native to North America, and found throughout the United States, Canada, and in Europe.

Dark-eyed Fruit Fly

Latin Name: Drosophila repleta

There are 91 species in what is called the Drosophila repleta “group” in North and South America and they are native to this Hemisphere. Given the sudden and recent appearance of these flies in North America they may be native to Central and South America.

Dark-winged Fungus Gnats

Latin Name: Sciaridae

Latin Family Name: Sciaridae

Many species of these tiny flies are native to North America.

Deer Flies

Latin Name: Chrysops sp.

Latin Family Name: Tabanidae

A number of species are native to North America.

Dump Fly

Latin Name: Ophyra leucostoma

Possibly a native in North America but now found nearly worldwide. In North America they are found in Canada and throughout the U.S., south into Central America.

European Crane Fly

Latin Name: Tipula paludosa

This is a native of Europe that found its way into the Pacific Northwest around 1955. It now is established in Washington, some of northwestern Oregon, and into British Columbia, with a possible presence in northern California.

Eye Gnats

Latin Name: Hippelates sp.

These are native flies in North America and are common throughout the continent.

Face Fly

Latin Name: Musca autumnalis

Latin Family Name: Muscidae

A native of Europe and Asia, this fly is now found throughout North America as well.

Flesh Flies

Latin Name: Sarcophaga sp.

Latin Family Name: Sarcophagidae

Many species native to North America.

Frit fly

Latin Name: Oscinella frit

These may be native insects in North America and they are found in southern Canada, nearly all of the U.S., and south into Mexico. They also may be found in Europe.

Fruit Fly

Latin Name: Drosophila melanogaster

Many species of these flies occur throughout the world. The species Drosophila melanogaster is one of the most common in structures, and is used extensively in laboratory studies of genetic characteristics.

Green Blow Fly

Latin Name: Phaenicia sericata

Latin Family Name: Calliphoridae

Several species that are native to North America, and widely spread throughout the continent and into Latin America.

Horse Flies

Latin Name: Tabanus Sp.

Latin Family Name: Tabanidae

A number of native species occur in North America, particularly in the more humid states where the moist conditions the larvae need are available year-round.

House Fly

Latin Name: Musca domestica

Latin Family Name: Muscidae

This species is found abundantly throughout the world, and in many countries, where sanitation is not adequate and human wastes are commonly deposited outdoors, the House Fly is responsible for the spread of numerous serious diseases. Included in this list are dysentery, typhoid, cholera, poliomyelitis, yaws, anthrax, tularemia, intestinal parasites and eye parasites. It is incriminated in the spread of food infections from bacteria such as Shigella and Salmonella.

House Mosquitoes

Latin Name: Culex sp.

These may be native species in North America.

Latrine Fly

Latin Name: Fannia scalaris

Likely European in origin this species now occurs throughout the world.

Leafminer Flies

Latin Name: Agromyzidae

Native to Europe but now found worldwide in greenhouses where mums and other related flowers are grown.

Lesser Dung Flies

Latin Name: Sphaeroceridae

Latin Family Name: Sphaeroceridae

A number of native species of these flies are found in North America.

Little House Fly

Latin Name: Fannia canicularis

Latin Family Name: Muscidae

Probably native to North America, but found in many other countries as well.

Malaria Mosquitoes

Latin Name: Anopheles sp.

Latin Family Name: Culicidae

Approximately 16 species in North America, most considered native to the continent.


Latin Name: Chironomidae

Latin Family Name: Chironomidae

These are native insects in North America.

Minute Black Scavenger Flies

Latin Name: Scatopsidae

These are native species in North America.

Moth Fly

Latin Name: Psychoda sp.

Latin Family Name: Psychodidae

A number of native species of flies in this family occur throughout North America.

Phorid Fly

Latin Name: Megacelia sp.

Latin Family Name: Phoridae

These flies, including the common species found in the United States, may be found throughout the world.

Stable Fly

Latin Name: Stomoxys calcitrans

Latin Family Name: Muscidae

This species is found throughout North America and Europe.

Yellow Fever Mosquito

Latin Name: Aedes aegypti

This species is found throughout the world in tropical regions, its true origin not well known.

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