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Showing 9 types of MEALYBUGS

Cactus mealybug

Latin Name: Hypogeococcus pungens

Latin Family Name: Pseudococcidae

This insect is native to South America but has been introduced into the southern U.S. and in Hawaii. It also has been deliberately introduced to Australia where it is a biological control for cactus considered to be serious pest plants in that country.

Citrus Mealybug

Latin Name: Planococcus citri

Latin Family Name: Pseudococcidae

Currently found in both Europe and North America, and known from Europe 50 years prior to its discovery in the U.S., so possibly European in origin.

Cypress Bark Mealybug

Latin Name: Ehrhornia cupressi

Latin Family Name: Pseudococcidae

Uncertain, but possibly native to the western U.S.

Cypress Mealybug

Latin Name: Dysmicoccus ryani

Latin Family Name: Pseudococcidae

Likely native to the western U.S., and found in California.

Golden Mealybug

Latin Name: Pseudococcus aurilanatus

Latin Family Name: Pseudococcidae

Native to Australia, but now occurring in other parts of the world where its host trees have been imported as ornamentals.

Long-tailed Mealybug

Latin Name: Pseudococcus adonidum

Latin Family Name: Pseudococcidae

Possibly native to the Australian region, but now found throughout the world.

Obscure Mealybug

Latin Name: Pseudococcus viburni

Latin Family Name: Pseudococcidae

Uncertain origin, but possibly from either South America or Australia, and introduced into the U.S. in the late 19th century.

Pink hibiscus mealybug

Latin Name: Maconellicoccus hirsutus

This mealybug is native to Southeast Asia but was discovered in the Caribbean in 1994 and in Florida in 2002, and it continues to expand its range in the U.S. It also now is found in Africa, Australia, and South America.

Striped Mealybug

Latin Name: Ferrisia virgata

Latin Family Name: Pseudococcidae

Uncertain, as it is found commonly throughout the world in warm climates. However, since 10 species in the genus Ferrisia are found in the U.S. it is believed that this species may be native to North America.

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