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Course Details


California CDPR ONLY - An In-Depth Look at Pesticide Labels & SDS

***DUE TO CDPR REQUIREMENTS, THE TEST QUESTIONS FOR THIS COURSE ARE DIFFERENT. THIS COURSE IS NOT OFFERED WITH OTHER STATE CEUs AND WILL NOT EARN CEUs FOR SPCB. YOU MUST SELECT THIS COURSE TO EARN CDPR CEUs.*** A pesticide’s label is the manufacturer’s and EPA’s main method of communication to the user regarding safe and legal handling of the pesticide. The goal for all registered pesticides is to maximize efficacy and minimize risk, which can be guaranteed by following the label. In order to communicate this information effectively, pesticide labels are organized into specific sections. Pesticide safety data sheets, or SDSs, provide more detailed technical information than pesticide labels. SDSs are governed by OSHA and are intended to communicate chemical hazards in the workplace. SDSs are organized into 16 sections. This course explains the information provided in label and SDS sections.

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