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Mr. Pest Control Q&A



Ask Mr. Pest Control

Ask Mr. Pest Control

Q. Can a crack and crevice treatment be performed with a microencapsulated product in an office while people are working?

-- George, CA

A. The answer mostly depends on the product label. Product labels normally have restrictions against applications in occupied patient rooms or classrooms. They may have an additional restriction against applications when occupants are in the immediate area or room being treated. So you should choose a product that doesn’t have this additional restriction. However, I don’t recommend spraying a liquid product in front of office employees. If possible, baits are a better option or schedule the treatment around work hours. From my experience, it’s common for at least one employee to claim that they began to feel sick after a treatment. Whether or not the claim is true is not for a PMP to decide. It’s just best to avoid this situation as much as you can.


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