Masters of Invasion: The Roof Rat


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Masters of Invasion: The Roof Rat

Roof rats present a significant challenge, not just because of their elevated habitats, but due to their reluctance to touch the ground, almost as if they’re playing a perpetual game of “the floor is lava.” Addressing this behavior requires placing traps and stations at the heights where these rodents are active, but this is often easier said than done. Here are essential strategies to help manage roof rat infestations using EZ Secured from VM Products®, known for its durable hinge for extended servicing reliability.

Inspect the Roof

Many commercial buildings feature flat roofs that are easily accessible to roof rats. Placing bait stations on the roof is crucial in areas where rats are likely to travel. A weighted bait station, like the EZ Secured, is ideal for this purpose, as it resists being blown around by wind with its external concrete block that creates friction to keep the  station in place. When setting up on the roof, ensure that no trees, vines, or other vegetation are in contact with the building, as these can serve as pathways for rats to enter the structure. Eliminating these access points reduces the likelihood of rats infiltrating the building.

Identify Entry Points

Successfully combating roof rats isn’t just about placing bait stations on the roof; it’s also about identifying and targeting their entry points. Look for holes, gaps, or grease marks that indicate where rats are gaining access. Once you’ve identified these pathways, position bait stations like the EZ Secured directly in their path, as close to the entry points as possible.

Establish a Second Line of Defense

In addition to placing traps on the roof, consider setting up a secondary line of defense under the roof, such as in attics or drop ceilings. These areas are often dark, providing an ideal environment for roof rats to thrive. Look for pinpoints of daylight, which can indicate potential entry points, and position your stations along these areas. Trail cameras can be extremely useful in identifying rat pathways and ensuring your stations are strategically placed.

Pre-Bait When Possible

While customers often demand immediate solutions, pre-baiting can significantly increase your chances of success. If you have a few days to spare, pre-baiting allows rats to become accustomed to the stations before you introduce rodenticides. This acclimatization period makes it more likely that they’ll enter the stations and consume the bait. Consider using a variety of food types to cater to different preferences or employ VM’s Airzonix to enhance the bait’s effectiveness.

Think Small and Strategic

Rats are notorious for squeezing through tiny spaces, so don’t limit your bait station placements to just the flat surfaces of roofs or attics. Consider installing small shelves or using crates to elevate bait stations, which can improve your chances of catching these elusive rodents. By thinking creatively about where to place traps, you can increase your odds of success.

Roof rats are masters of evasion, often entering structures unnoticed due to their nocturnal nature. However, with the right approach and tools like the EZ Secured, you can outsmart them and effectively address infestations.

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