Connectivity Articles
How to achieve success against ants
By Tim Husen, Ph.D., technical services manager, Syngenta Professional Pest Management
Managing structural-infesting nuisance ants is a multi-step process. Ants have complex and diverse nesting biology and foraging behaviors, so identifying the type of ant you are dealing with should always be the first step in any ant service treatment. Pest management professionals (PMPs) must use ID-based management strategies along with what they know about the pests’ habitat to help guide their services.
All service treatments, whether physical/mechanical, cultural/sanitation or chemical control options, should be guided by inspection results to help determine proper treatment strategies. When inspecting, keep the following in mind:
Interior treatments are typically spot or crack-and-crevice treatments using baits or liquid residual sprays. Baits are often the preferred option for interior use. Remember, ants don’t eat the same thing for every meal. The dietary requirements of an ant colony fluctuate throughout the year, beginning with carbohydrates to snap out of winter, then leading to protein- and fat-heavy diets during the spring and early summer. By late summer into fall, all aspects of the colony are fully functional (foraging and brood production), and all three food types are essential.
Don’t forget that baits are food! Therefore, gearing your choice of bait product and formulation type against the seasonal food preference calendar is essential.
The major focus area of ant services is the structural exterior perimeter. Again, the inspection results determine how, where and what service treatment strategies and formulated products should be used.
For more ant service ideas, best practices and product information, call your Veseris Representative or visit SyngentaPMP.com/Residential/Ants
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