Achieve effective and long-lasting control of public health and nuisance pests, like small flies.


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Small fly infestations can cause big frustrations. Especially in commercial accounts, like restaurants, supermarkets, and other food handling facilities, where they can be one of the more challenging pests to control. Not only are they a significant nuisance, but fruit flies, house flies, and other filth or small fly species are also known to contaminate food as well as carry and potentially share disease-causing organisms with humans. Furthermore, if customers see them as a sign of unsanitary conditions, it can harm a business's reputation. Small flies have a quick development time and are attracted to fermenting foods, decaying produce, slimy build-up in drains, and other areas with moist organic matter. If these conditions go unchecked and are allowed to persist, it does not take long for populations to grow rapidly.

When you encounter a group of adult small flies lingering around an area, know that there is likely an abundance of eggs, larvae, and pupae developing somewhere nearby. Eggs are hatching, and the larvae are growing in the slime, sludge, or rotten & forgotten fruit around the kitchen.  In one to two weeks, when the flies become adults, there will be more unwanted gravid females quietly buzzing around the restaurant; each with the potential to lay around 500 eggs in her lifetime.  The key: source reduction, finding and eliminating the breeding sites, and control of the larval stage. Consider including an Insect Growth Regulator product for controlling flies, like Tekko Pro, as part of your small fly management service.

Tekko Pro combines the power of two unique Insect Growth Regulators (IGRs), pyriproxyfen and novaluron. IGRs are insecticides that effectively disrupt the insect’s life cycle, interfering with their development into normal, reproductively viable adults. Tekko Pro also causes a decrease in the number of hatching eggs laid by treated adults. To control flies, Tekko Pro can be used as a general surface application in both interior and exterior applications to residential, commercial, public, and industrial buildings. Additionally, it can be applied as a foam to fly breeding sites including drains, traps of sinks, and other labeled moist breeding areas.

Controlling flies in and around structures is important in our efforts to protect public health, and is a valuable service provided by PMPs. With Tekko Pro, you can achieve effective and long-lasting control of public health and nuisance pests, like small flies. CSI: innovation you can apply.

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