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Pest Information

Casemaking Clothes Moth

Casemaking Clothes Moth

  • Latin Name: Tinea pellionella
  • Common Name: Casemaking Clothes Moth
  • Latin Family Name: Tineidae
  • Other Names: N/A

Pest Details

Casemaking Clothes Moth
Casemaking Clothes Moth
Casemaking Clothes Moth


Possibly Asian in origin, but found throughout the world.


The larvae are most damaging to fabrics of animal hair origin, but also may infest spices or grain-basedfoods, tobacco, feathers, dead insects, and fungus accumulations. A related species may often be found feeding on the mycelial growth of fungus on damp wood. The larvae create a silken case which they must stay within, dragging it with them as they move about, and enlarging it as they grow. The adults do not feed, and both adults and larvae avoid light, although the larvae may wander over walls and floors in a darkened room.


The larva is easily identified by the small, tubular silk case it creates. This case will be the color of the material it feeds on, as it incorporates fibers from the material into the case. The adults are tiny moths, with long, narrow wings that are grayish-brown in color. There is a fringe of long hairs along the lower edge of the hind wing, and on fresh specimens there will be 3 dark spots on the forewings. On the top of the head there is a tuft of yellowish hairs.

Characteristicts Important to Control:

Seeking the source of the infestation is crucial, as killing only adult moths does not affect the developing larvae. The larval habitat will be in a hidden area, usually in materials that have remained undisturbed for some period of time, and alternative foods such as insect nests or fungus growth need to be considered.

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