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Pest Information

Acacia Psyllid

Acacia Psyllid

  • Latin Name: Acizzia uncatoides
  • Common Name: Acacia Psyllid
  • Latin Family Name: Psyllidae
  • Other Names: Albizia psyllid, jumping plant lice

Pest Details

Acacia Psyllid
Acacia Psyllid
Acacia Psyllid


Native to Australia, where many acacia plants originated, carrying their associated insect pests when imported. Now found throughout the world in association with Acacia and Albizia, including in Hawaii on Koa trees.


As many as 8 generations of this insect per year may occur, particularly along coastal areas where winter temperatures remain mild. The insect feeds on foliage, buds, and soft shoots of acacia and albizia. Eggs are deposited on the foliage and hatch to the mobile, wingless nymphs. There will be 5 nymph instars and then the winged adult stage, with only 3 weeks required for development from egg to fertile adult insect. The adults have strongly developed hind legs and can jump quickly, giving rise to the name of “jumping” plant lice.


Adult insects resemble winged aphids but without the cornicles that aphids have on their upper abdomen. They are greenish brown, darkening in cooler weather. Eggs are bright yellow, hatching to orange to greenish nymphs that feed on the upper surface of the leaves.

Characteristicts Important to Control:

Foliar applications of contact insecticides can effectively control psyllids, which produce little in the way of protective wax covers. A systemic applied to the soil will also be effective on the insect as it feeds on the foliage. Plants generally tolerate psyllid infestations with little actual damage, most of the annoyance coming from the honeydew production. Good plant health will help plants do well with little need for pesticide applications.

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