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Pest Information

Fragrant Flatsedge

Fragrant Flatsedge

  • Latin Name: Cyperus Odoratus
  • Common Name: Fragrant Flatsedge
  • Other Names: N/A

Pest Details

Fragrant Flatsedge
Fragrant Flatsedge
Fragrant Flatsedge


A native plant in North America, and found widely from California to the entire east coast and south into Latin America. It also is found in Hawaii and the West Indies.


An annual weed in cooler climates, or sometimes a perennial in warmer areas. Reproduction is from seeds, and plants also spread by underground roots. This is a weed of many habitats, including turf, landscape, and roadsides.


An erect growth habit with plants forming bunches. Foliage is sparse with narrow leaves and very long, narrow stems that terminate with the flower heads. These are flattened spikes about 1 inch long, occurring in open clusters at the ends of long stalks, with several stalks arising from the end of the main plant stem. Each spike of flowers is flattened, narrow, and brown in color.

Characteristicts Important to Control:

Control of excessive moisture in turf will help to discourage the growth of most sedges, including the various Kyllinga species. For sedges that reproduce only from seeds control with pre-emergent herbicides can be effective. Post-emergence control in turf will require a selective herbicide which targets the sedges specifically. In non-turf settings a systemic, non-selective herbicide will be effective.

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