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Pest Information

Purple Sedge

Purple Sedge

  • Latin Name: Cyperus Ligularis
  • Common Name: Purple Sedge
  • Other Names: Saw sedge, swamp flatsedge, Alabama swamp flatsedge

Pest Details

Purple Sedge
Purple Sedge


Native to southeastern United States and the West Indies, and found in Florida, Mississippi, California, and Latin America, as well as in Africa.


A perennial that reproduces from seeds, and also spreads with underground rhizomes. Plants form large tufts, and are found in most habitats, from roadsides and disturbed areas to landscape and swampy environments.


Mature plants are large, with triangular stems that have a waxy or purplish caste to them. A number of long leaves arise from the base, and these also are triangular, with finely-toothed margins and midrib. The flowering heads occur singly or in small clusters of 2 to 4. Short to long stalks arise at the end of the main stem, with the flower heads at the ends of these stalks. The flower head is oval in shape, starting green but turning brown as it matures.

Characteristicts Important to Control:

Control of excessive moisture in turf will help to discourage the growth of most sedges, including the various Kyllinga species. For sedges that reproduce only from seeds control with pre-emergent herbicides can be effective. Post-emergence control in turf will require a selective herbicide which targets the sedges specifically. In non-turf settings a systemic, non-selective herbicide will be effective.

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