Native to Africa, and introduced as an ornamental grass. This is highly drought tolerant, and as an escape from cultivation it can be a problem along roadsides, in ditchbanks, and orchards.
A perennial grass, producing large, showy seed heads in early summer. These dry and remain on the plant into the fall months.
Mature plants have many stalks arising from the central base, and stems can grow to 2.5 feet long. Flower heads form at the ends of the stalks, as a very large, wide, and bristly florescence that is yellowish brown in color. Flower head may be 4 inches long and over 1 inch wide, with long, hair-like awns that themselves may be 1 inch long. Leaves are covered with short, soft hairs that are most dense in the area of the sheath at the base of the leaf.
Characteristicts Important to Control:
A perennial grass that propagates from seed.