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Pest Information



  • Latin Name: Distichlis Spicata
  • Common Name: Saltgrass
  • Other Names: Seashore saltgrass, marsh spikegrass, desert saltgrass, inland saltgrass.

Pest Details



Native to the western United States.


A perennial grass with an extensive system of rhizomes. Distributed widely along the Pacific Coast and into the inland valleys, potentially infesting both cropland and roadsides or ditchbanks. It is more common in alkaline soils. Reproduction is from seed and from rhizomes. The rhizomes root at the joints, and their aggressive nature helps create thick mats of the grass.


Saltgrass mature plants remain low, growing as tall as 16 inches. Its rhizomes are yellowish and may be found at the soil surface in light, sandy soils. Above-ground stolons are much less common. Young shoots growing from rhizomes are pointed and rigid. Leaves are produced alternate on the stem, a row on either side. Leaf blades are narrow and up to 4 inches long, bluish green to yellow-green, and commonly are rolled or have the edges slightly folded. Seedheads are yellowish and up to 3 inches long. Spikelets form close together along the stem, with up to 10 flowers per spikelet, and slightly flattened in appearance.

Characteristicts Important to Control:

Alkaline soils particularly conducive to its growth, as well as wet areas in other soils.

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