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Pest Information

Wild Garlic

Wild Garlic

  • Latin Name: Allium Vineale
  • Common Name: Wild Garlic
  • Other Names: Field garlic, crow garlic, stag’s garlic

Pest Details

Wild Garlic
Wild Garlic
Wild Garlic
Wild Garlic


Native to Europe, but now found throughout the eastern half of the United States, along the Pacific Coast, in Canada, as well as Africa.


A cool season perennial reproducing from underground bulbs, which produce offset bulblets. Propagation also may be from seeds. May occur in almost any habitat, favoring damp roadsides and waste areas or disturbed lots. The spread of the plants can be extensive.


Mature plants may be several feet tall, with slender, hollow, round leaves that may be up to around half the height of the central stem. The underground parts consist of the expanded white bulbs and short roots below them. The flowers are greenish white and small, occurring in clusters at the ends of the stems.

Characteristicts Important to Control:

A systemic herbicide will be needed to effectively kill the underground parts of this plant. If the plants are growing in a turf site they may be controlled with a selective broadleaf herbicide.

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