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Pest Information

Nettleleaf Goosefoot

Nettleleaf Goosefoot

  • Latin Name: Chenopodium Murale
  • Common Name: Nettleleaf Goosefoot
  • Other Names: Sowbane, swinebane, wall goosefoot

Pest Details


Native to Europe, but naturalized and now widespread in North America.


A common weed in many row crops and other agricultural situations, such as orchards and vineyards, along roadsides and ditch banks. An annual broadleaf weed. Seeds germinate in late winter and plants mature in the fall into early winter. This plant serves as a host for Beet Leafhopper.


Mature plants are bushy and up to 3 feet tall, with many branches off the main stalk. It is strongly aromatic when the leaves are crushed. Leaves are dark green, fleshy, and shiny, and are oval to triangular with the margins shallowly toothed. They grow alternate on the stems. Flowers are inconspicuous and occur in dense clusters on short stalks, either at the ends of the branches or from the bases of the leaves.

Characteristicts Important to Control:

Serves as an alternate plant host of the Beet Leafhopper, which vectors curly top virus to many vegetable crops.

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