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Pest Information



  • Latin Name: Facelis Retusa
  • Common Name: Facelis
  • Other Names: Annual trampweed

Pest Details



Native to South America, but introduced to the United States, where it occurs from Virginia south to Florida and west to Texas and Oklahoma.


A winter to spring annual that grows prostrate with multiple branched stems. Capable of forming thick mats in turf, where it crowds out desirable grasses. Also common in fields, pastures, and disturbed sites. Reproduction is from seeds.


Plants are generally small but spreading, with very small, narrow leaves that are densely crowded along the stems. The stems are covered with tufts of long, soft hairs, as are the undersides of the leaves. The tips of the leaves usually have a tiny point on them. Very small, white flowers occur at the tips of the stems in small clusters of several flowering heads.

Characteristicts Important to Control:

Physical removal of single plants is effective. When found in turf most members of the sunflower family can be effectively controlled with a selective broadleaf herbicide. Prevention of seed germination can be accomplished with a pre-emergent herbicide.

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