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Pest Information

Common Yarrow

Common Yarrow

  • Latin Name: Achillea Millefolium
  • Common Name: Common Yarrow
  • Other Names: Milfoil, yarrow, bloodwort, thousand-leaf, western yarrow

Pest Details

Common Yarrow
Common Yarrow
Common Yarrow


Native to Eurasia, but naturalized in the United States and common and widespread throughout North America.


A perennial that reproduces from seeds or rhizomes. The creeping rhizomes are very aggressive and thick stands of this plant usually are a result of this form of propagation. Spread of the plant in soil or other plant material also results from the rhizomes. While yarrow is commonly used as a garden plant it also escapes to become a problem in turf, landscape, roadsides, and other places, although not usually in cultivated crops. It is highly tolerant of dry, sandy soils.


Mature plants may grow to over 4 feet tall as upright plants on long stems. In turf, however, consistent mowing causes the plants to be short and spreading. Stems may be single or there may be several arising from the crown of the plant. Stems are hairy and rough. Leaves are twice compound divided, giving them a feathery look and feel. The leaves grow without stalks at regular but well spaced intervals along the stem, with some branching of stems off of the main stem. Flowers occur in very large clusters of flower heads in a flat-topped arrangement. Each individual flower head is composed of 10 to 20 disk flowers that form the flat center and 5 white (or pink) ray flowers around the disc. There may be many dozens of these heads in the overall cluster.

Characteristicts Important to Control:

This is a perennial that easily re-grows from the rhizomes, making physical removal difficult.

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