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Showing 32 types of GRASSES AND SEDGES

Annual Bluegrass

Latin Name: Poa Annua

Native to Europe, but one of the most widely distributed weed grasses in the United States. It thrives in turf, gardens, crops, roadsides, or any other open area.


Latin Name: Paspalum Notatum

Native to South America, but now spread throughout all of Latin America, the West Indies, Hawaii, and the southeastern U.S.

Barnyard Grass

Latin Name: Echinochloa Spp.

Native to Eurasia and Africa, and now occurring throughout North America. This grass will grow in virtually any situation, crop or non-crop, landscape and turf.


Latin Name: Cynodon Dactylon

Native to Africa, but a common weed now around the world. Several hybrids are used as desirable turf.


Latin Name: Axonopus Affinis

Found throughout the world in mild climates, and in the U.S. in the eastern half of the country.

Common Velvetgrass

Latin Name: Holcus Lanatus

Native to Europe and now widespread throughout the United States. Less common in the far northern states. It was introduced as a forage grass, but easily escapes cultivated areas.


Latin Name: Dactyloctenium Aegyptium

Introduced from the Old World Tropics of Asia or Africa, and now found throughout much of the U.S., particularly in the southern states, and south throughout Latin America, in Europe, Australia, and Hawaii.

Cylindric Sedge

Latin Name: Cyperus Retrorsus

A native plant in southeastern North America, now found from New York to Florida, and west to Texas and Oklahoma.


Latin Name: Paspalum Dilatatum

Native to South America, now common throughout the southwest United States.


Latin Name: Muhlenbergia Rigens

Native to the west coast of the United States. Commonly used in ornamental settings due to its size and symmetry.

Downy Brome

Latin Name: Bromus Tectorum

Introduced from the Mediterranean in packing materials, and now widely distributed throughout North America.

Fall Panicum

Latin Name: Panicum Dichotomiflorum

Native to central and eastern United States, now spread throughout the western states as well.

Globe Sedge

Latin Name: Cyperus Croceus

A native plant in eastern North America, occurring from Pennsylvania south throughout Florida, and west to Texas, Oklahoma and Missouri. It also occurs in Latin America and the West Indies as well as eastern Asia.


Latin Name: Eleusine Indica

Introduced from Europe, but now found throughout most of the United States.

Green Foxtail

Latin Name: Setaria Viridis

Native to Europe, now common throughout much of the United States, especially in cooler climates. A particular problem in alfalfa fields, but also occurring in other row crops, along roadsides, waste areas, and in landscape.

Italian Ryegrass

Latin Name: Lolium Multiflorum

A native of Europe, and now widespread throughout the United States.


Latin Name: Sorghum Halepense

Native to the Mediterranean region, but deliberately introduced to the United States as a grass desirable for forage. Now widespread throughout the warm regions of the U.S. where it is a severe pest weed problem.

Jungle Rice

Latin Name: Echinochloa Colona

Native to Europe, and now widespread throughout the west and southwest United States. Found commonly in both cultivated fields and in waste areas.


Latin Name: Pennisetum Clandestinum

Native to tropical Africa, but introduced deliberately to California as a cover along slopes and ditch banks for erosion control. As a very fast growing grass it also has been used for a turfgrass, but it is capable of escaping and invading other grasses where it is objectionable.

Large Crabgrass

Latin Name: Digitaria Sanguinalis

Native to Europe and now widespread in the United States.


Latin Name: Dactylis Glomerata

Native to Eurasia, now widespread throughout much of the United States.

Perennial Ryegrass

Latin Name: Lolium Perenne

Native to Europe, but now widely distributed throughout the United States.


Latin Name: Agropyron Repens

Introduced from Europe and now found throughout most of the United States, with the exceptions of the warm southern areas from South Carolina to Arizona.

Rat-tail Fescue

Latin Name: Vulpia Myuros

Introduced from Europe, and now found throughout the United States, in southern Canada and Latin America, as well as in Alaska and Hawaii. V. myuros and F. megalura are sometimes separated as two species, but currently combined as only one.

Red Sprangletop

Latin Name: Leptochloa Filiformis

Native to tropical Latin America.


Latin Name: Bromus Catharticus

Native to South America, and introduced to the United States for cultivation as a winter forage in the southern states. Strong growth in winter and early spring make it suitable for forage. It commonly escapes cultivated areas and becomes troublesome in crops or non-crop situations.

Smooth Crabgrass

Latin Name: Digitaria Ischaemum

Native to Europe and now widespread in the United States.

Sweet Vernalgrass

Latin Name: Anthoxanthum Odoratum

Native to Europe, and now spread widely across the U.S. , south through Latin America, and in Asia and Australia.


Latin Name: Panicum Repens

Thought to have originated in Europe, but now found on most continents and in the U.S. from the Carolinas along the Gulf states to Texas.


Latin Name: Panicum Capillare

Native to the eastern United States, and now common throughout the U.S. and southern Canada.

Yellow Foxtail

Latin Name: Setaria Glauca

Native to Eurasia, but an important weed species in cultivated areas throughout the world, including much of the United States.

Yellow Nutsedge

Latin Name: Cyperus Esculentus

Native to the Old World, but now spread throughout the world, including all of the United States, much of Canada, and south through the tropical areas of South America. It is one of the most important weed pests in the U.S. and much of the rest of the world.

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