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Pest Information

Wood-Boring Weevils

  • Latin Name: Euophryum sp.
  • Common Name: Wood-Boring Weevils
  • Latin Family Name: Curculionidae
  • Other Names: N/A

Pest Details


Probably native to the United States, but now found in many countries due to its transport in infested materials.


Several species of weevils may be found in wood, normally feeding only on damp, decayed woods and not seasoned, dry woods. There may be 2 generations each year, with feeding in both softwoods and hardwoods, but because of their need for dampness and fungi in the wood they are not serious pests in most structural wood members. Both adults and larvae feed within the wood.


As a weevil they are easily identified by the presence of an elongated “snout” in front of the head, with their jaws located at the end of the snout. The antennae arise from in front of the eyes on the snout, and they have a distinct elbow or bend on them. The adult beetle is only about 4 mm long, black to reddish-brown in color, and the elytra are lined with longitudinal rows of pores. Damage is similar to that of Anobiid Beetles, with fecal material present that is powdery but composed of small pellets. Feeding galleries are smaller and more oval in shape, and the adult emergence hole also is more oval than round.

Characteristicts Important to Control:

Moisture control is very important in the control of this species, eliminating the fungus and moisture needed by the beetles in the wood. Fumigation may be needed for extensive infestations. The application of a borate insecticide where allowed by the product labeling will also serve to prevent beetles from entering the wood, and possibly kill larvae inside if penetration of the material is deep enough.

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