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Pest Information

Plum curculio

Plum curculio

  • Latin Name: Conotrachelus nenuphar
  • Common Name: Plum curculio
  • Other Names: N/A

Pest Details

Plum curculio


This is a native species that is widely distributed east of the Rocky Mountains in North America.


The adult beetle feeds on many kinds of fruits in the “stone fruit” groups, including plum, peach, and cherry, as well as apples, peaches, and blueberries. It also feeds on the flowers and foliage. The feeding creates holes in the fruits that then encourage fungus to grow as well, destroying the fruit. The female cuts small holes in the fruit to deposit her eggs and the larvae then feed within the fruit as well. The adult stage overwinters in leaf litter and other debris on the ground.


This distinctive weevil is about ¼ inch long and very compact looking with large lumps, humps, or raised areas over its wing covers. The color is very dark brown to black with patches of white or yellow, particularly at the end of the wing covers and as lines on each side of the thorax. The snout is medium length, very thick, and often projects downward.

Characteristicts Important to Control:

Removing damaged and fallen fruit and disposing of it quickly will eliminate many larvae that may be within those fruits. Physically jarring the beetles from the trees can also cause many to be removed and disposed of. Insecticide applications can be timed with the emergence of the adult beetles in early spring, before they have deposited eggs into the new fruits.

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