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Pest Information

Bamboo Borer

Bamboo Borer

  • Latin Name: Dinoderus minutus
  • Common Name: Bamboo Borer
  • Latin Family Name: Bostrichidae
  • Other Names: N/A

Pest Details

Bamboo Borer
Bamboo Borer
Bamboo Borer


This beetle is native to Asia, but because of its ability to be spread in infested wood products as well as grains, spices, and other foods, it is found throughout the world.


The bamboo borer infests bamboo used in furniture and ornamentation, baskets, poles, or other structural uses, as well as spices, grains, cacao, flour, or dried fruits. It will continue to re-infest bamboo materials until much of the bamboo is gone. The life cycle from egg to adult completes in less than 2 months, and in interior environments there can be several generations each year. Both adults and larvae will bore into the wood, a characteristic of other members of this family.


The bamboo borer is one of the smallest species in the family Bostrichidae, with adults measuring about 3 to 4 mm in length. They are short and stout, a dark reddish brown color, and cylindrical in shape. Their antenna consists of a series of very short basal segments and 3 greatly enlarged, serrate end segments. When viewed from above their head is hidden, tucked below the overhanging prothorax, and on the top of the prothorax a series of raised, rough ridges can be seen under high magnification.

Characteristicts Important to Control:

Heavily infested materials should be discarded if they are not attached and are not of value, such as wastebaskets or infested foods. Infested wood objects that are of value or non-removable may need fumigation or some alternative treatment that will penetrate to kill larvae and adult insects that are within the wood material.

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