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Pest Information

Whitemarked Spider Beetle

Whitemarked Spider Beetle

  • Latin Name: Ptinus fur
  • Common Name: Whitemarked Spider Beetle
  • Latin Family Name: Ptinidae
  • Other Names: N/A

Pest Details

Whitemarked Spider Beetle


Possibly unknown, as it is now found throughout the world. There are several hundred species of spider beetles, of which at least 24 species are associated with food products.


Spider beetles in general are omnivores, and this species is known to feed as a scavenger on many foods such as dried mushrooms, animal feces, feathers, dead insects, dried fruit, grains, etc. It is partial to materials that may be in poor condition, somewhat damp, and moldy, and its presence may indicate an unsanitary condition that should be discovered and removed or cleaned. Damage to books or other non-food items occurs as the larvae bore into them to construct a chamber or cell in which to pupate. Spider beetles derive this name due to their appearance. They have very round elytra, a round thorax, and long, thin antennae and legs, and in general present the appearance of a small, hump-backed spider. They are resistant to cold temperatures, making them more difficult to control by this method.


The White-marked Spider Beetle is similar to the Brown Spider Beetle, with a uniform dark brown coloration over the body. However, it also has patches of white scales and hairs on the front and back of its elytra and on the top of the prothorax. Males have a more elongate abdomen than do the females. They also may be slightly larger than the Brown, with adults up to 4.3 mm in length.

Characteristicts Important to Control:

Control of dampness and spoilage of food materials is important, as these beetles are drawn to foods in poor condition. Sanitation to eliminate the accumulation of dead insects or animal carcasses, or the feces of birds or rodents, will decrease the occurrence of the beetles in a structure.

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