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Pest Information

Hemispherical Scale

Hemispherical Scale

  • Latin Name: Saisettia coffeae
  • Common Name: Hemispherical Scale
  • Latin Family Name: Coccidae
  • Other Names: N/A

Pest Details

Hemispherical Scale
Hemispherical Scale
Hemispherical Scale


Originated in South America, but now a common scale insect throughout the United States in greenhouses and interiorscape plantings.


This scale attacks a wide range of plants, including bamboo, camellia, citrus, crepe myrtle, ferns, gardenia, lily, orchids, and others. Feeding of large numbers of the scales reduces plant vigor, may cause loss of foliage, and reduces marketability of commercial plants. Males are unknown, and females reproduce parthenogenetically. Up to 1000 eggs are deposited beneath the wax shell of the female, which then dies. Development to the adult stage takes from 40 to over 100 days, and within warm greenhouses all stages will be present and active simultaneously.


A fairly small scale that produces less wax than other species. Adult females may reach only 1/8 inch in diameter and form a hemispherical shape that is similar to an army helmet. They are uniformly brown, shiny, and smooth, although early stages show a distinct “H” pattern impression on top. The first stage crawlers are pinkish with a pair of red eye spots.

Characteristicts Important to Control:

For ornamentals dormant or summer oils may be effective in killing the scales, as well as contact insecticides applied when the first instar crawlers are present. An IGR applied when crawlers are present also may be effective.

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