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Pest Information

Tomato Psyllid

Tomato Psyllid

  • Latin Name: Paratrioza cockerelli
  • Common Name: Tomato Psyllid
  • Latin Family Name: Psyllidae
  • Other Names: Potato psyllid

Pest Details

Tomato Psyllid


Eggs are deposited on the end of a short stalk, and laid most often along leaf margins and veins, commonly on the lower surface of the leaf. The nymphs also spend most of their time on the lower surfaces, undergoing 5 instar stages and then the adult. Development to the adult is in 2 to 3 weeks. Females may lay over 500 eggs. This species is a serious pest of tomatoes, potatoes, and many greenhouse plants, as well as being found on at least 20 other families of plants.


Adults are very small psyllids, and resemble tiny cicadas. The adult also changes in color from its initial light yellow-green to darker gray or black after a week. Color of the nymph changes with development, from yellowish to tan to greenish, and with red eyes. The eggs are placed at the end of a short stalk and in rows along leaf margins and veins.

Characteristicts Important to Control:

On ornamental plants chemical sprays can be effective if they are able to contact the insects, concentrating on the lower surface of the leaves. A systemic such as imidacloprid appears to be effective, moving the active ingredient into the leaf tissue so it is ingested during insect feeding. Neem oil and other tree oils also have given positive results against some psyllid infestations.

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