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Pest Information

Grape leafhopper

Grape leafhopper

  • Latin Name: Erythroneura comes
  • Common Name: Grape leafhopper
  • Latin Family Name: Cicadellidae
  • Other Names: N/A

Pest Details

Grape leafhopper
Grape leafhopper


Apparently native to North America, and several species in the genus Erythroneura can be found throughout the U.S.


The species of Erythroneura include the grape, three-banded, variegated, and potato leafhoppers, and these may feed on a wide variety of ornamental trees and shrubs in addition to their named host plants. When attacking crop plants such as grapes in large numbers the feeding causes premature leaf drop and poor quality to the fruit. Continuing annual infestations ultimately affect the overall health of the entire plant. Adult insects over-winter and emerge in the spring to deposit eggs within the tissue of the leaf. There may be 2 generations per year.


Adult insects are only about 3 mm long, with overwintering adults beginning reddish orange, changing to yellowish as they feed. The summer generation is pale yellow with black spots, but the insects progress to a reddish orange again prior to hibernation. Shortly before ovipositing the female creates a white spot on each wing using wax exuded from the abdomen. As the insects feed on the plant fluids the damage begins to show as stippling or tiny light spots on the leaf surface.

Characteristicts Important to Control:

Insecticide applications should be targeted to the underside of the leaves, as this is where the insects are feeding. Plants can usually tolerate small numbers of the insects.

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