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Pest Information

Melon Aphid

Melon Aphid

  • Latin Name: Aphis gossypii
  • Common Name: Melon Aphid
  • Latin Family Name: Aphididae
  • Other Names: Cotton aphid

Pest Details

Melon Aphid
Melon Aphid
Melon Aphid


Not stated, but it is present throughout the world in tropical and moderate climates, and is found throughout the United States.


Another aphid known for transmitting various plant viruses, this species is recorded as feeding on many dozens of crop and ornamental plants. The aphids feed on the undersides of the leaves as well as on the growing tips, causing a chlorosis and often a loss of the leaf due to nutrient deficiency. The yellow mosaic virus is a serious plant pathogen vectored by this aphid, and it can be transferred to the plant within 15 seconds of feeding, despite the presence of residual insecticides on the plant that ultimately may kill the aphid. The eggs over-winter on a variety of plants, including hisbiscus, catalpa, and citrus.


The typical coloration is light green mottled with dark green, but varies widely to very light green, yellow, or dark green overall. The legs are pale colored with the tips of them black. Winged forms have a black head and thorax with a dark green abdomen.

Characteristicts Important to Control:

Insecticide applications need to be extremely thorough, contacting the undersides of the leaves where the aphids feed. The feeding also causes distortions and curling which further protects the aphids. There appears to be documented evidence of widespread resistance to many insecticides, including pyrethroids. Applications very early in the season will prevent population increases that may become much more damaging.

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