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Pest Information

Field Bindweed

Field Bindweed

  • Latin Name: Convolvulus Arvensis
  • Common Name: Field Bindweed
  • Other Names: Small bindweed, bindweed, morningglory, wild morningglory, field morningglory, orchard morningglory, creeping jenny, creeping charlie, European bindweed, greenvine, cornbind.

Pest Details

Field Bindweed
Field Bindweed
Field Bindweed


Native to Eurasia but introduced to the United States, where it occurs throughout the continent, and is considered to be one of the most troublesome weeds here and throughout the world.


A perennial with extremely strong and extensive roots. Bindweed grows as twining vines, with stems well over 5 feet long and roots penetrating well below 20 feet in depth. Reproduction is from seeds or rhizomes, and pieces of the rhizomes spread by cultivation or on equipment easily regrow as new plants. Both seeds and rhizomes begin growth in early spring. Foliage may be toxic to some livestock, such as hogs.


Mature plants, on flat soil, grow prostrate and vinelike over the surface. In the presence of other vegetation the stems twine and grow easily up and into these plants. Leaves are alternate and spade-shaped, although under drought stress they become narrower and more lance-shaped. Veins are a paler green on the upper surface, and are pronounced and raised on the lower surface. Flowers bloom throughout the summer, and occur singly or in pairs on short stalks arising at the leaf axils. The flowers are white to pink, and the petals are fused to form a bell or funnel shape around 1 inch across.

Characteristicts Important to Control:

The extensive and deep root system makes physical removal very difficult to attempt. For small infestations a thick cover of mulch may smother the bindweed.

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