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Pest Information

Black Medic

Black Medic

  • Latin Name: Medicago Lupulina
  • Common Name: Black Medic
  • Other Names: Trefoil, black clover, none-such, hop medic, hop clover.

Pest Details

Black Medic


Native to eastern Europe and Asia, but now found throughout the United States.


Usually a summer annual, but occasionally a biennial or a winter annual. Propagation is by seed, and seeds germinate in either fall or early spring.


A low-growing, trailing plant with stems that may reach over 2 feet in length. A taproot is present. Stems are somewhat square and radiate out from the base, but do not root at the nodes as clovers do. Leaves are divided into 3 leaflets on a short petiole. Leaflets are round and have toothed margins. Flowers are present throughout the late spring and summer, and the flower head is a small, compact inflorescence composed of from 10 to 50 flowers that are bright yellow and very small. These produce black seed pods that remain on the plant after it has died.

Characteristicts Important to Control:

A common weed in turf, particularly in turf with poor nutrient levels or drought-stricken turf.

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