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Pest Information

Mouse-ear Chickweed

Mouse-ear Chickweed

  • Latin Name: Cerastium Vulgatum
  • Common Name: Mouse-ear Chickweed
  • Other Names: Large mouseear chickweed, mouse-ear

Pest Details

Mouse-ear Chickweed
Mouse-ear Chickweed


Native to Europe, and now found throughout most of the United States and southern Canada.


A perennial plant that can be a problem weed in turf. It is a very low-growing, mat-forming plant that can root at nodes along the stem. While the leaves are small the stems can grow up to 20 inches long, twining along the soil. It easily tolerates close mowing, and where turf is not mowed frequently the plants can form mounds up to 10 inches high. Propagation is from seeds that germinate at any time in warm weather. Plants also spread by the stolons. While foliage may die back in hot, dry weather it normally remains green through the winter.


Plant features are very small, and may be overlooked in its early stages when growing in turf. Stems are prostrate and vine-like, and have 2 rows of dense hairs along them. Leaves are opposite along the stem and are very small, oval, and distinctly hairy and a dark green color. The flowers are tiny, and form from early summer into the fall. There are 5 white petals that may be so deeply notched at their tops that they appear to be separate petals.

Characteristicts Important to Control:

This is a perennial plant spreading by stolons that creep through turf, making physical removal in turf almost impossible.

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