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Employee Spotlight: Joanna Harris–Goveia



Inside Veseris

Joanna Harris-Goveia Veseris

At Veseris, everyone’s a customer service representative in addition to their formal job title. But, we do have some people who devote themselves entirely to making our customers’ lives easier, and Joanna Harris-Goveia is one of them.

As a Customer Service Manager, Joanna oversees representatives in eight Veseris ProCenters in the northeast region. “I work with my Customer Service Reps to ensure our customers are getting the very best service in the industry, leading them to become a customer for life,” she says. 

Every great customer service professional has stories about going the extra mile for a customer, and Joanna’s is no different. “I had a customer call in a panic at 4:45pm, he had forgotten to order products needed for a big job the next day and, since UPS had already picked up for the day, he was going to have to reschedule the job. I offered to personally deliver the package to the UPS drop point at the nearby Philadelphia Airport after hours to ensure he got the job done on time.”

Employees like Joanna help preserve Veseris' reputation for providing the best service in the industry, by making a difference in customers’ lives, one call at a time.


Q. What’s the most interesting piece of pest-control trivia that you’ve learned while working at Veseris?

A. Real silk comes from silk moths. It takes 25,000 cocoons to make one pound of silk thread. Each cocoon unwound produces a 1500 ft. long strand of silk.



Q. What’s your favorite kind of pest?

A. A dead one.

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