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Talos Pest Control is a company handling commercial and residential pest control services in San Diego County. We are fully licensed, funded, connected, and equipped and we are now seeking an additional technician with a drive to move up with our company. This position will pay an hourly rate plus commission. A branch 2 applicator or field representative license with the SPCB is required. This position will be responsible for all aspects of Pest Control including handling of a route, sales, and chemical reporting. We will provide training, equipment, a van/truck, and everything that is needed to succeed as a PCT. This person will work hand in hand with the president of the company and our Director of field operations. This is a remarkable opportunity to be an early team member with a growing company that has incredible support and strong performance will lead to quick consideration for management positions. We have potential clients, investors, and advisors that have willed this company to where we are today and we are ready to get to work with you. Contact Anthony@talospestcontrol.com

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