Ad CBD8D5F7F783745FC933E67D95165DE57041970C

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Unique position available for the right person. Marcon Termite & Pest Control needs an active person with at least a field representative licensed in termite branch 3 and pest control branch 2, to run a new start-up company. This position will require this person to be completely hands on and run the day to day operations of a small termite and pest control company. Well qualified candidate must have all the skills necessary to build the company that is fully set-up with an office, phone numbers, licenses, insurance and advertising already in place. All you need to do is be creative with your talents and bring in the right real estate agents and property management companies. Salary, insurance plus commissions based on a draw system. The right person could make 100K plus.


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728x90 PT Alpine FBB 2023 (2)
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