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First things first. Do you have a Branch 2&3 field rep license? Do you have a flawless driving record? Do you have impeccable character? Do you love being on the road? Can you sell value? If you answered yes to these questions then we want to talk with you. Once we have all agreed that you may be a good fit then we will unleash the compensation plan. Please note: It is SUPER generous and has future potential that will not be offered to anyone else. This is truly an opportunity for the right person. If you hate driving, complain about leads, and want everything handed to you on a silver platter then keep moving. This is for pro sales people/road warriors and winners. This is a great opportunity and for that reason we refuse to beg you to come to work and kill it every day. You must be a self starter and do whatever it takes to make the clients happy. I know what you are thinking. This better be a good opportunity by the way he is writing this. Its not...Its a GREAT opportunity but it won't be easy. HINT: I know great sales people who are making $200,000 per year with a similar opportunity and they call most of their own shots. There is only room for one person at this level. Everyone after you will have to fall into the standard inspector paradigm. Does this sound interesting??? Willing to interview a couple times and be scrutinized before being offered a position? Then call today. Don't wait. Opportunities like this don't come around too often. Seriously call NOW Ask for the opportunity man. 714-290-8701

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